WiFi Campus

Arya WiFi Campus

The entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled with a high speed internet connection to allow the students to access the internet no-matter wherever they are. The coverage of Wi-Fi is not only restricted to class rooms but also extends to all the areas including library, Auditorium, cafeteria, and hostels. All the websites browsed by him/her are regularly monitored.

The need and importance of Internet in the field of education is supported by round the clock high speed Internet connectivity of 100Mbps and we have three leased line and has strong backbone of dedicated OFC link throughout the campus which helps the students surf the Web at their convenience. Thus, they can enhance their knowledge as well as extract unlimited Information. In addition to this, the students are also being provided Wireless connectivity (Wi-Fi) enabling the students access online information anywhere in and around the campus using their Laptops.

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