


  • Continuing education and lifelong learning for faculty, staff and working professionals.
  • Fostering Growth in Research, design and development.
  • Providing Consultancy relevant to areas of specialization and expertise.
  • Continuous innovation of methods of learning , teaching and research.
  • Enabling access to the best intellectual resources.
  • Promote Institute-Industry-Government interface.


  • Serve as a centre for generation and exchange of ideas among students, teachers, research organizations and the state Government, so as to promote entrepreneurial culture among students and to assist them through expertise available in other institutions.
  • Help to mobilize resources through Alumni, users, Social Workers, Philanthropists and other organizations (both from within and outside India) to promote research and development of sophisticated laboratories, Scholarships, Fellowships, Prizes, Medals, organise special lectures, seminars, conferences, workshops, etc.
  • Devise schemes and methods for effective periodic evaluation of performance of projects, faculties, staff and students, internal evaluation through Academic and Administrative Audit Committees.
  • Take steps for facilitating appropriate environment in the institution of education to achieve harmonious relationship among teachers, students and staff.
  • Encourage faculties to develop Coordination in academic and research activities of common interest.

Industrial Alliances